Costume jewelry and jewelry: a story of beauty, expression and evolution
Jewelry and costume jewelery are two forms of art that have accompanied human beings since their origins. Both aim to adorn the body with objects of aesthetic, symbolic or functional value, but they differ in the materials and techniques used.
In this post, we will do a brief review of the history of jewelry and costume jewelry, from prehistory to the present. We will see how these two disciplines have evolved over time, reflecting the social, cultural and technological changes of each era.
Jewelry in prehistory
Jewelry is one of the oldest manifestations of human culture. Already in the Paleolithic, more than 40,000 years ago, our ancestors used natural elements such as bones, shells, stones, wood or amber to create body ornaments. These objects had an aesthetic value, but also a social and spiritual value, since they indicated the position, power or protection of the person carrying them.
Jewelry in ancient times
With the discovery of metals and precious stones, jewelry reached a great development in ancient civilizations. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Mesoamericans created pieces of great beauty and complexity, which reflected their worldview, their religion, their politics and their art. Jewelry was a sign of distinction and wealth, reserved for the upper classes and the clergy.
Jewelry in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
During the Middle Ages, jewelry suffered a setback due to barbarian invasions, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the rise of Christianity. Jewelry was limited to religious pieces, such as crosses, reliquaries, rosaries, etc., and insignia of power, such as crowns, rings, brooches, etc.
Jewelry flourished again in the Renaissance, with the influence of eastern cultures and the revival of classical art. Pieces of great refinement and originality were created, combining gems, pearls, enamels, miniatures, etc. Jewelry became popular among the bourgeoisie and nobility, who used it to complement their dresses and as a gift of love or friendship.
Jewelry in the Modern and Contemporary Age
In the Modern Age, jewelry diversified and adapted to social, political and cultural changes. New styles were created, such as baroque, rococo, neoclassical, romantic, art nouveau, art deco, modernism, minimalism, etc. New materials were discovered, such as platinum, steel, titanium, plastic, glass, etc. The techniques of carving, setting, enamelling, filigree, etc. were perfected. New forms of expression were developed, such as artistic jewelry, ethnic jewelry, conceptual jewelry, ecological jewelry, etc. Jewelry became democratized and became an accessory of fashion, personality and identity.
Jewelry in history
Costume jewelry is a form of jewelry that uses non-precious or imitation materials to create low-cost, wide-variety pieces.
Costume jewelry has its origins in the 18th century, when glass pieces began to be manufactured to replace gems. Costume jewelry was consolidated in the 19th century, with the appearance of the Industrial Revolution, which allowed mass production and lower costs. Costume jewelry became popular in the 20th century, with the rise of fashion, cinema, advertising and consumption. Costume jewelry diversified and adapted to the tastes and trends of each era, using materials such as metal, plastic, resin, ceramics, paper, fabric, seeds, shells, etc.
Jewelry today
Today, costume jewelry is a form of art and design that offers infinite possibilities for creation and personalization. Jewelry is a form of expression and communication, which reflects the style, personality, mood, culture and values of the wearer.
Handmade jewelry is a growing trend, as it offers unique and original pieces, handmade with a lot of love and creativity. Handmade jewelry is a way to support the work of artisans and promote traditional crafts.